for lease sign in a commercial building in nyc

Navigating Breach of Commercial Lease Agreements: A Legal Perspective

A commercial lease is designed to make business agreements clear-cut. A well-written lease helps both parties avoid disputes and unwanted surprises. However, a commercial lease is only effective when both sides respect its terms. 

When one party breaches the terms of a commercial lease, it’s hard to predict the...

Navigating Breach of Commercial Lease Agreements: A Legal Perspective Continue reading…
business partnership

What Happens When a Business Partner Decides to Leave the Partnership?

Like any other relationship, business partnerships sometimes break up. That might be because of poor communication, financial struggles, or even one partner’s decision to pursue different goals. 

So where does that leave you (and any other remaining partners)? That depends on several factors. A partnership dispute lawyer can...

What Happens When a Business Partner Decides to Leave the Partnership? Continue reading…