tenant signing lease agreement

Common Types of Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Landlord-tenant law has become increasingly complex over the years. Housing codes, rent regulations, government subsidy programs, and requirements for eviction proceedings have all contributed to this. New York in particular heavily regulates residential landlord-tenant relationships. Whether you are a landlord or tenant, here is what you need to know about the types...

Common Types of Landlord-Tenant Disputes Continue reading…
Commercial litigation attorneys reviewing case

Why You Need a Non-Disclosure Agreement

Most companies can ill afford the damaging economic consequences of having their confidential business information revealed to the world, especially to their competitors. That’s where non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) come in.  Although there are some limitations in New York, NDAs are an invaluable way of protecting businesses from harmful disclosure of confidential matters....

Why You Need a Non-Disclosure Agreement Continue reading…